possimus asperiores cumque et voluptatem deserunt eveniet error et nemo tenetur aperiam. sint facere aut odio reiciendis sunt. accusamus consequatur…
Nmap Cheat Sheet for Service and Protocol Enumeration
Nmap, also known as Network Mapper, is a powerful open-source tool used for network exploration and security auditing. It provides a range of commands that can be used to enumerate services and protocols on a network. Here is a cheat sheet of some commonly used Nmap commands for service and protocol enumeration:
Basic Scans:
- nmap target: Perform a basic scan on the target IP or hostname.
- nmap -p port target: Scan a specific port on the target.
- nmap -p- target: Scan all ports on the target.
- nmap -F target: Scan the most common ports on the target.
Service and Version Detection:
- nmap -sV target: Detect the version of services running on the target.
- nmap -sV -p port target: Detect the version of a specific service running on the target.
Operating System Detection:
- nmap -O target: Attempt to determine the operating system of the target.
Script Scanning:
You can check all of your scripts inside the directory by ls /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
- nmap –script script target: Run a specific Nmap script against the target.
- nmap –script default target: Run the default set of Nmap scripts against the target.
UDP Scanning:
- nmap -sU target: Perform a UDP scan on the target.
These are just a few examples of the many Nmap commands available for service and protocol enumeration. It’s important to note that Nmap should only be used on networks that you have permission to scan, as unauthorized scanning can be illegal and unethical.
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